Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique
Blair Technique
We use the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique, a specific system of analyzing and adjusting the upper cervical vertebrae of the spinal column to help the entire nerve system work properly.
The purpose of the Blair Upper Cervical Technique is not to diagnose or treat diseases or conditions, but to analyze and correct vertebral subluxations in an accurate, precise and specific manner. We do this special work for your benefit to give your body’s inborn intelligence the chance to mend, repair, and maintain health from within. Rather than treatment of symptoms, we aim to correct the cause of the problem.
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Why Choose Us As Your Upper Cervical Doctor
FREE consultation for you and your family (NO cost & NO obligation to you). Call to schedule with Dr. Blackketter today to see if upper cervical chiropractic is right for you.