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Spring cleaning and your health

Spring is here and many people are in the middle of their annual cleaning spree. You know the kind I’m talking about…deep cleaning of the carpets, draperies, cabinets, windows, cellars, garages, sheds, appliances, etc. This goes way beyond the normal everyday vacuuming and sweeping and laundry we do throughout the year.

NewsLetter spring 2014 Why does Spring Cleaning exist? Why all the fuss?

Many people use this as a time to reduce stress, simplify their lives, de-clutter the home, and wash away all the grime and cobwebs and dust that has collected over the winter months. The home will be better organized, look better, and smell fresh and clean again!

It makes sense, but what about your health? Is there anything we can do to “clean up” your physical body so your health will improve?

Yes!! Here are 2 ideas:

Spring Cleaning for the body — better nutrition

1) YES, you can clean up your diet with nutrient dense, healthy, natural, real food. John Roberston’s signature class on nutrition begins in April. Check out the Facebook Event for his Bentonville Nutrition Class…or his website: Simple Real Food NWA

2) YES, you can improve your health! Get your spine and nerve system checked out to make sure your body is organized, feeling better, and ready for all the demands of life.

Get checked. It is as simple as that. Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractors do 5 basic things to check your health.

You come into the office to get checked, and we’ll take it from there.

Many times a satisfied client (or a happy health patient) testimony tells the story better than facts and figures.

Don’t take my word alone, but check out the testimonials in our newsletter.

Read the latest testimonies and health class info. in our Spring Newsletter 2014 here.

Have a happy, healthy Spring! Don’t forget to check out our latest newsletter…4 wonderful testimonials from patients can be found on our Facebook page or here: Spring NewsLetter

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