Can the body cure gluten hyper-sensitivity digestive problems ADHD / ADD and behavior problems?
Have you wondered if there is an alternative to a “Gluten-Free” diet? Are you concerned about the bad side effects medications have on children? Is anyone you know struggling with ADHD / ADD symptoms? After trying to correct digestive problems with limited results, are you still searching for the missing piece of the puzzle to gluten sensitivity? Watch video testimony from this mother about her son. This boy’s life was changed, his and his whole family.
Have you wondered if there is an alternative to a “Gluten-Free” diet? Are you concerned about the bad side effects medications have on children? Is anyone you know struggling with ADHD / ADD symptoms? After trying to correct digestive problems with limited results, are you still searching for the missing piece of the puzzle to gluten sensitivity?
Watch this mom’s testimony about her son’s amazing turn around…
The nerve system holds the key to proper function in every cell throughout the body, including the brain, stomach, gut, and entire digestive tract. Any neurological disruption or pinched nerve or misaligned spine can cause problems…this is especially important at the brainstem (near the base of the skull at the top of the neck).
Extreme Gluten Free diet for 3 and 1/2 years did NOT fix the problems in this boy. Drug therapy did not help his case either, in fact, his mother reported very negative side effects from the ADHD prescription medication. This boy lost his appetite, saw dramatic weight loss (10% of the child’s body weight in one month), insomnia, and anger, even raging at times.
Thankfully they had learned about another option. An Upper Cervical Specific chiropractic adjustment made the difference in his life, literally changing their entire family. Stress relief, normal diet (no need for special gluten-free foods), improved behavior, healthy appetite & normal weight gain, and hope for the future.
This video is “PART 2” from this family, a video testimonial: one mom’s battle with a gluten sensitive diet for her young boy…she saw an amazing life-change after he had an Upper Cervical specific adjustment, which literally puts his body into the properly alignment so it could heal itself!!
Check out the beginning of their story here with the mother’s personal experience with migraine headaches:
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